Telegram beta for Android got global hashtag support, collapsible quotes, media reordering, and more

1 min read
Telegam beta for Android

Telegram beta for Android has introduced several new features, including global hashtag support, collapsible quotes, media reordering, and more. Earlier this month, Pavel Durov announced that Telegram would implement global hashtags, enabling users to browse posts across all channels by a specific hashtag. This is expected to significantly increase content discoverability, although Telegram currently lacks this feature. The latest Android beta release includes this support, allowing users to tap on a hashtag from a channel and view it in a separate interface with three different tabs. Users can now browse the usage of the tag within the same channel, channels they are subscribed to, and all channels.

Telegam beta for Android

Additional features in the update include collapsible quotes, animated emoji effects for private messages (which trigger animations when viewed), and the ability to reorder the media grid when sharing multiple pictures. Smaller enhancements include one-click phone number viewing and searching for messages from a specific user. Overall, these updates are a positive step towards improving content discoverability on Telegram.

Telegram beta for Android - everything you need to know
This article can guide you on how to get access to the new beta and experimental Telegram features on your Android device