Telegram's recent update, launched on June 6, 2024, introduces a new method for monetization called Telegram Stars, allowing bots and mini apps to sell digital goods and services directly to users. Through in-app purchases or PremiumBot, users can acquire Telegram Stars to spend on a wide array of digital products such as e-books, online courses, and in-game items. This strategy aligns with Apple and Google's sales policies, ensuring compliance and represents a significant move towards expanding Telegram's commerce capabilities, with developers soon able to withdraw earnings in Toncoins via Fragment.
With over 400 million monthly users utilizing bots and mini apps for various purposes, including purchasing products and services or enjoying games, the launch of Telegram Stars opens up a substantial commercial opportunity for businesses, potentially reaching over 900 million users. The process for purchasing physical goods remains unchanged, utilizing Telegram's established payment providers.
To assist developers with this transition, Telegram has revised its Terms of Services for Developers and introduced a Detailed Guide. Future plans include further developments to the Stars feature, such as adding gifts for content creators.

Telegram, created by Pavel Durov, is a messaging app focusing on speed and security. It serves as a platform for sending messages, sharing media, and using bots for diverse services. In addition to messaging, Telegram continually adopts features that support commerce, entertainment, and productivity within its ecosystem.