In April 2024, Telegram announced an update introducing over 15 new features aimed at improving user profiles, channel discovery and management, search functionalities, and monetization options. Among the highlighted features are the addition of a 'My Profile' section in Settings, allowing users to view and personalize their profiles with up to three pinned stories. A new 'Channels' tab in the search interface improves channel discovery, offering recommendations based on subscribed topics, while channel previews give a glimpse of the latest post above the channel bio. Additionally, the update introduces unlimited location sharing, an advanced search with fixed text highlighting, customizable reaction management for channel admins, and a Telegram Ad Platform powered by the TON blockchain for promoting channels and bots.
To use these features, users should go to Settings for profile customization, use the search function for channel exploration, or access their channel settings for managing reactions and advertisements. The update transforms the way users interact with the app by making navigation simpler, increasing content visibility, and facilitating channel management.

Telegram, a messaging platform developed by Pavel Durov, has broadened its capabilities to support various user activities beyond basic messaging. This app is available on Android, iOS, and Web platforms, catering to a wide audience. The latest update highlights Telegram’s dedication to refining the platform, focusing on user satisfaction without sacrificing simplicity and efficiency.