Recently, Telegram Beta for Android launched several new updates aimed at advancing the platform's functionality. Now, when forwarding messages, users can view the profile picture of the message's original sender, making the source of the message clearer. For users wishing to share their location, the app now offers the option to share live location without a time limit, controllable by the user. Furthermore, moving between topics is more straightforward; after viewing the last message in a current topic, users can swiftly proceed to the next unread topic by swiping upwards.
To use these updates, users need only forward a message, choose to share their live location by selecting "Until I turn it off," or move through topics by swiping up post the last message. The revised interface for message deletion is now available to group admins, allowing them to perform multiple actions on various users simultaneously, like modifying permissions or banning users from this new interface.
For Telegram Beta, the presentation of deleted messages in groups has been refined, grouping them under the first message in the "Recent Actions" section if five or more messages are deleted. This area has also been updated for more straightforward user management and a sleeker design. In addition, premium subscribers can now incorporate custom emoji in polls, allowing for more personal responses. A new proposed authorization method utilizing a secret phrase also adds to the security measures.

About Telegram: Telegram is a messaging application emphasizing speed and safety, enabling users to exchange messages, videos, and files of any type. Created by brothers Nikolai and Pavel Durov, the app is distinguished by its dedication to user privacy and robust group functionalities. It is well-known for being the first to offer end-to-end encryption and messages that disappear after a set period.

These upgrades were released to advance group management and usability on Telegram, aiming to advance the overall quality of use on the platform, as stated by the developers.