In the most recent Beta version of Telegram for Android, a range of updates were unveiled. Users noted alterations such as the change of "My Stories" to "My Profile," where functions like viewing, editing profiles, posting, and pinning stories saw alterations. The addition of a "Channels" tab in global search and a choice for Premium users to see ads through "Telegram Business" settings were also incorporated. An in-app sticker editor was introduced for users to craft custom stickers with advanced features like background removal. Moreover, sticker pack management saw improvements for simpler editing, and administrators were given tools to restrict reactions to posts.

Updates changelog
- The "My Stories" feature has been renamed to "My Profile," allowing users to see and edit their profiles, post and pin stories, and more.
- Users can now pin up to three stories in their profiles, enhancing visibility and engagement.
- The global search feature now includes recommended channels, although the criteria for recommendations are not specified.
- Premium users have the option to enable ad display in channels, potentially to view their own ads.
- An in-app sticker editor has been introduced, allowing users to create and edit stickers directly within the app.
- Users can now edit their own sticker packs, adding new stickers, changing orders, and setting corresponding emojis.
- Link previews for sticker packs have been improved to display the first sticker from the pack.
- Channel administrators can limit the number of different reactions that can be left on posts.

Achievements and Future Plans
According to the latest post on Durov's channel;
- Telegram has reached 900 million monthly users, with half of these users opening the app daily.
- The platform was cash flow positive in the first quarter of 2024 and is on track to become profitable within the year.
- Telegram's success is attributed to its commitment to freedom, quality, and user-first approach, resonating with its user base.
Telegram, a messaging application created by Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai, seeks to offer secure and private communication. This app provides capabilities for messaging, media sharing, and extensive group chats, underscoring its dedication to user privacy and autonomy. The recent Beta update further illustrates Telegram's commitment to delivering functions that meet the demands of its expanding user base.