ICYMI: Leonardo AI releases new feature to convert images into motion videos

Explore Leonardo AI's new feature that transforms images into dynamic motion videos - privacy options for premium users, fair credit use for free accounts.

· 2 min read
ICYMI: Leonardo AI releases new feature to convert images into motion videos

In an exciting development for AI early adopters, Leonardo AI has just introduced a transformative feature that takes static images and breathes life into them by converting them into captivating motion videos. This innovation unlocks a new dimension of creativity for visual artists and content creators who are looking to stand out in the digital space.

How to Access and Use the Motion Feature in Leonardo AI

  1. Log into your Leonardo AI account and navigate to your gallery of generated images.
  2. Hover over an image that you want to animate; the option to transform it into a motion video should appear.
  3. Click on the motion feature, and adjust the 'motion strength' to your preference.
  4. If you're a paid plan user, set your privacy settings if you wish to keep your creation private.
  5. Confirm the transformation and 25 credits will be deducted from your account for the process.
How to use Motion Video

Benefits for Users

This motion feature is particularly beneficial for those looking to produce dynamic content from previously static images. With the added control over motion intensity, users can create a range of effects, from subtle movements to dramatic animations. For professionals in marketing, AI development, or graphic design, this offers a tool to quickly generate engaging visual content that can help capture audience attention in a crowded digital landscape.

Motion Video Option in the gallery
Motion Video settings

About Leonardo AI

Leonardo AI has positioned itself as a cutting-edge platform that leverages artificial intelligence to revolutionize the way we create visual content. With features like real-time generation, which collaborates with users' paintings to produce images, Leonardo AI offers a suite of tools for both experienced creators and those just beginning their AI art exploration journey.

Considerations and Alternatives

While the feature does come with a credit cost of 25 per video for all users, free users have a daily credit allowance of 150, translating into the creation of around six motion videos daily—excluding credits used for image generation. Users should be aware that alternatives such as Pika Labs offer similar functionality for free without any limitations. The continued innovation in AI image transformation spaces suggests that users will have a plethora of tools at their disposal to explore their creative expressions.

Example video:


Motion Video from Leonardo AI

Additional Feature for Newcomers

For those who are new to the platform, don't miss out on the chance to experience the real-time generation feature, where Leonardo AI works with your artistic input to craft eye-catching images directly from your brush strokes.