ICYMI: ChatGPT supports Mentions feature on Android and MacOS

· 1 min read
ChatGPT mentions

The “Mentions” feature on ChatGPT, which allows users to call upon different custom GPT models within a single conversation using the “@” character, is currently available on Android but not yet on iOS. On Android, when you type the “@” symbol, you get a pop-up that lets you select different GPTs, enabling seamless switching between them while maintaining the context of your chat. This feature mirrors the functionality available on the web, although it took longer to release on mobile platforms. It’s unclear why iOS users do not yet have access to this feature, but Android users can already take advantage of it.

Additionally, it seems that this feature is working on desktop clients after the latest MacOS ChatGPT update.

The Mentions feature was introduced as part of broader updates to ChatGPT, which continues to evolve as a powerful AI-driven communication tool. It allows users to interact with multiple specialized AI models in one conversation, each offering unique capabilities to enrich the dialogue.

ChatGPT itself is a conversational AI model developed by OpenAI, initially released in late 2022. It’s designed to assist with a wide range of tasks, from answering questions to helping with creative projects. ChatGPT is continuously updated to improve its functionality, making it more versatile and user-friendly.