Epic Games and TikTok partner up for a new Fortnite-themed dance contest

As surprising as it is, Epic Games - the company behind the popular Fortnite game, in collaboration with the video-sharing platform TikTok, are launching a new dance contest. The end goal is to pick an original dance video and then release it as an Emote in Fortnite.

1 min read
Epic Games and TikTok partner up for a new Fortnite-themed dance contest

As surprising as it is, Epic Games - the company behind the popular Fortnite game, in collaboration with the video-sharing platform TikTok, are launching a new dance contest. The end goal is to pick an original dance video and then release it as an Emote in Fortnite. Additionally, the winner is set to receive 25,000 V-Bucks (in-game currency) and a special VIP giveaway package.

The contest ends on January 24, 11:59 PM PST, so make sure to submit your entries using the hashtag #EmoteRoyaleContest on TikTok prior to the deadline.

You can also check existing submissions and some official examples in the app by searching for this tag.

Source: Epic Games

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