ChatGPT now lets you archive historical chats from the sidebar

Discover how to archive and manage historical chats on ChatGPT with ease, ensuring your conversations are organized and accessible.

· 2 min read
ChatGPT now lets you archive historical chats from the sidebar

The conversational AI landscape is continuously evolving to meet user demands, and an exciting new update has emerged for aficionados of ChatGPT. Users now can archive historical chats for a cleaner interface and better organization of their interactions.

Update: Now also available on the iOS app 👀

ChatGPT archive feature on iOS

How to Archive Historical Chats on ChatGPT:

  1. Open ChatGPT on your preferred web browser.
  2. Navigate to the sidebar where your chats are listed.
  3. Click on the 3 dots menu beside the chat you wish to archive.
  4. Select the 'Archive' option from the menu.
  5. To manage your archived chats, go to 'Settings'.
  6. Look for the new 'Archive Chats' section to review or unarchive conversations.
Archived chats section on ChaGPT

The feature is particularly useful for prompt engineers who frequently experiment with various queries and scenarios on ChatGPT. Not only does it make navigation smoother by decluttering the main chat list, but it also helps in organizing research and reference material.


ChatGPT Alpha
This article can guide you on how to get access to the new alpha and experimental ChatGPT features