Anthropic launches Claude AI iOS app along with a new Team plan

· 2 min read
Image by Anthropic
Image by Anthropic

Anthropic recently announced the debut of its Claude AI App, incorporating Claude 3 AI models, now accessible on iOS. This application allows for effortless operation across various devices by synchronizing chat histories and providing photo upload features for immediate analysis. It is available gratis and also in upgraded Pro and Team variants. Additionally, Anthropic unveiled a new Team package, priced at $30 per user each month, aimed at enterprises. This package offers perks like increased use per individual, full access to the Claude 3 model suite with a 200,000-token context window, and tools for managing users and billing, along with preferential and early access to upcoming features. Plans to augment the Team package with more collaborative tools were also revealed, including AI-generated references, connections with data repositories, and mechanisms for working together on AI initiatives. Nonetheless, the Claude AI iOS app's availability in Europe is presently restricted, and despite earlier leaks about expected features, these are not yet accessible to users.

‎Get help on a variety of tasks whenever inspiration strikes—on everything from writing to analysis to math—from Claude, your trusted AI assistant. INSTANT ANSWERS With Claude you have a world of intelligence right in your pocket. Just start a chat, send Claude a photo, attach a file—and ask away.…

To utilize the Claude AI app's functions, individuals must first download the app onto an iOS device. After initiating the app, individuals can start synchronizing their chat history and use the photo upload feature for analysis. This process requires using the app's standard interface to navigate and perform these functions. The increased functionality of the Team plan, with its higher usage limit and access to an extended array of Claude 3 AI models, aims at facilitating more efficient operations for enterprises involved in AI-oriented projects.


Claude AI on iOS

About Anthropic's Claude AI App: Anthropic, a prominent tech firm, has fashioned the Claude AI App to work seamlessly with its Claude 3 AI models, delivering a variety of functions designed to improve the application experience across different devices. The app is available on iOS platforms, ensuring a cohesive experience by synchronizing chat histories and allowing photo uploads for immediate analysis.

Source: Anthropic